Welcome to PositiveJew.com, a product of God Has My Back, Inc.,


On this website, you will find many secrets of life, how to go from zero to having everything you dream of. Step by step you can make any dream come true, no matter how big or small it is, we are here to connect people and give information for free.

The meaning of words that you will find on our website:

God, Positive, Energy, Give, Sharing, Getting Back, Family, Honesty, Respect, Loyalty, Believing, 6th Sense, Fire, Water, Colors, Letters, Food, Mind, Body, Soul, Help, Dreams Come True, Earth, Universe, Praying, Daydream, Passion, Adrenalin, Conscious, Subconscious, Combined Minds, Ideas, Prosperity, Success, Sport, Amazing, Power of Will, Visualize, Tora and many more

By getting educated on these topics, you will have a better idea of how to improve yourself and your quality of life, and give you the tools to help others.


our-goalsOUR GOALS

We have built this website to help Jewish and non-Jewish people learn how to live an amazing life. The Jewish People have the Tora, and in the Tora, you can find every secret of life. It tells you what to pray, say, eat, feel, do, and not do. All people were born differently, no person in this life is the same, every person has different knowledge, has had different experiences. Some went to school, some didn't. If you did something big it doesn't mean you know or have done everything.

Once all people learn the same keywords and live by them, then everyone in the world will have the same knowledge of how to make an amazing life and not work hard for it. Most people pray to get things, some get them and some don't. Once you know how and what to pray, things will come to you faster, as long as you keep positivity in your life.

This website has many resources to allow people to learn about and help themselves and others. Here you can find the secrets of life, donate to help others, and learn about helping Israel.


Americans' support for Israel among highest ever recorded
Posted by TOI Staff - The Times Of Israel on 04/07/18
Even among Democrats and the young, Israel enjoys at least a two-to-one advantage over Palestinian Authority, Gallup finds. The poll was conducted among a random sample of 1,044 US adults in all 50 states and Washington, DC, between February 1 and 10, and has a margin of error of four percentage points at the 95% confidence level.

One of the greatest things in the Jewish world is l’dor v’dor, from generation to generation. PositiveJew aims to strengthen Jewish identity, building a lasting bond with the land and people of Israel, and reinforce the solidarity of Jewish people worldwide. Our goal is to make every Jewish person proud and to share with and help every person in need.

Star of David: “What you DO and SHARE down here (Earth), is what you will GET from up THERE (God).