Make a Difference in Someone's Life

Help by donating to building a synagogue. Building a synagogue rests collectively on all members of a Jewish community.

The obligation devolves on a community when there are ten adult Jewish men of bar mitzvah age. The funding for building a synagogue should come from the community members and should be collected on the basis of each individual’s financial means. Every Jewish community is obligated to have a Torah library. This should include a Tanach (Bible), Talmud, Code of Jewish Law, and other essential Torah books. Often, this library is housed in the synagogue.

Every community of Jewish people deserves to have a synagogue for members of the community to be able to pray, eat, celebrate holidays, and connect with their community. Your donation will help build synagogues in communities without the ability to.

Mega donors are taking over Jewish philanthropy, study says
Posted by Ben Sales - The Times Of Israel on 03/27/18
As the total amount of money donated to Jewish causes declined in recent decades, number of donors plummeted, research says

One of the greatest things in the Jewish world is l’dor v’dor, from generation to generation. PositiveJew aims to strengthen Jewish identity, building a lasting bond with the land and people of Israel, and reinforce the solidarity of Jewish people worldwide. Our goal is to make every Jewish person proud and to share with and help every person in need.

Star of David: “What you DO and SHARE down here (Earth), is what you will GET from up THERE (God).