Make a Difference in Someone's Life

An alarmingly high number of elderly Jews are living below the poverty line in both Israel and the former Soviet Union and are struggling to afford basic necessities such as food, medicine, shelter, and heat in the winter months.

The situation is compounded in the Holy Land as Israel is forced to spend more to protect its borders, leaving less to help its most vulnerable citizens. The result is that many are suffering from a lack of life’s basic provisions, and are turning to friends of Israel like you for assistance. The sacred call of Isaiah 58:7 to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, and not to divert our eyes from the suffering remains before us as we join hands to care for those in dire need.

It is our responsibility, if we have the means to, to help care for past generations and allow them to live comfortably and with basic necessities.

With your gift today , lives will be impacted and hearts will be blessed knowing they are not alone.



Mega donors are taking over Jewish philanthropy, study says
Posted by Ben Sales - The Times Of Israel on 03/27/18
As the total amount of money donated to Jewish causes declined in recent decades, number of donors plummeted, research says

One of the greatest things in the Jewish world is l’dor v’dor, from generation to generation. PositiveJew aims to strengthen Jewish identity, building a lasting bond with the land and people of Israel, and reinforce the solidarity of Jewish people worldwide. Our goal is to make every Jewish person proud and to share with and help every person in need.

Star of David: “What you DO and SHARE down here (Earth), is what you will GET from up THERE (God).